Sunday, 30 April 2017




Under the  realm of natural justice,everyone should be given the unalienable privilege to utilize their prowess to the apex and better still,harness their naturally endowed potentials which would yield positive dividends to the overall process of  nation building.As expert projections will have us believe,66% of the world's population will seek shelter in the urban cities by 2050. However,the focal point is hinged on inclusive, sustainable and equitable development for all people including  person's with disabilities devoid of negative stereotyping,inability to access facilities and stigma according to the division for social policy and development of the united nations.

Infact,the contributions of persons with disability situations cannot be underscored the world over. For instance, Steph William Hawkins a prominent cosmologist, a physicist, renowned scientists and more so, professor at Cambridge university who is physical challenged but however, has tremendously influenced the world of science with his nemerous theories speaks volumes to this effect. .
  Indeed,another physically challenged person is France Jane Van Alstyne popularly known as fanny Crosby who has composed many of the popular hymns,numbered 800. In one way or the other, we have all wined to the sweet melodious sound of hymnals from this physically challenged person.

All over the world ,institutions of learning are supposed to provide the enabling environment for all manner of person's to better develop their natural intellect. Indeed, some institution have taken giant steps to make their places of learning readily accessible to all including person's with physical default. Michigan university which is adjudged one the world disability friendly institution according to survey is a clear example. 

Ghana, according to Act 715,2006 of parliament, has clearly stipulated the unrestrained rights of persons with disabilities. However, this law seem to be very potent on paper but not effectively implemented. As person's with disability have been denied access to essential public facilities  such as hospitals, schools inter alia because,the architectural design of most of such buildings didn't take into cognizance the plight of the disabled citizens in the county.

Most  public educational institutions with particular reference to public universities, have in most  times paid a deaf ear and blind eye to the immediate needs of the physical challenged person's.

Zeroing it down to the premiere university, majority of lecture rooms,halls of residence and the all famous Balme library have their architectural make up  impeding the learning comfort of the physically challenged person's in the university. Even though,the premiere university is making frantic efforts to make its facilities disability friendly by establishing *the office of the students with special needs ( OSSN)*,much still need to be done...Infact,having the opportunity to witness  some of the laborious struggles and tussle students with disability go through in order to manoeuvre their way to the various halls, lecture rooms and,the library is pathetic . It's pathetic.Pathetic.Pathetic.Pathetic.
As estimations will have it, one out of every hundred students in the university of Ghana campus is physical challenged out of a population of about thirty-seven thousands(3700) students.

JQB,one of the major lecture halls is designed in such way that it's a hindrance to such students(students with disability) accessing the facility.As a matter of fact,halls of residence such as Commonwealth,Mensah Sarbah,Volta, liman and legon hall just to mention a few  have their design crafted in such a way that deprive such students especially, the annexes associated with some these hall easy access.

The university authorities on countless occasions have hewed and cried  about the lack of funds to construct facilities that would be sensitive  to the needs of students with disability.Yes, 'Mr . authorities,' we understand you.But these people have a right.Infact, they have a right.

Well, are we going to play the Wait and seek affairs until a bizarre event manifest before we start to put in place some pragmatic and bold initiatives to arrest the unbearable situation of our brothers and sisters with disability?It is clear in the background that using these facilities by the physically challenged person's, they are at great risk of further injuries and worst still, untimely deaths.

Verily verily, the onus lie within the ambit of the government to provide funds to nip this trend in the bud.Also,Non governmental organizations, philanthropist , cooperate bodies and well meaning citizens should come on board and help improve these life threatening facilities,especially to the disabled in the university of Ghana campus by providing sufficient funds to construct halls,lecture rooms and libraries that are disability friendly or better still improve to the standard of the disabled,the already existing structures to best serve the interest all students including person's with disability...
The inscription on Awodome cemetery speaks volumes...It reads, "we were like you before".Person's with disability were like us before and we can be like them.No one is born with such labels. It's  circumstances.Let's care for one another and make the world a better place.UBUNTU.

University of Ghana

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