Damongo Youth Parliament(DYP) wish to apprehend this very long awaited moment to join the many good people of West Gonja and beyond in congratulating hon.Saed Muhazu Jibril on your appointment as the new District Chief Executive (DCE) for West Gonja District.
We believe this is the day that the Lord has made and it's His will that you ascend this high office of our land to help better the lots of the district.
It's indeed a well deserved appointment.After such a long period of careful consideration and wider consultation,we hold a strong conviction that the president has made the right choice for the district and the youth particularly.
As a youth group that has been championing the development of Damongo and the district all this while,we can assure you of our unflinching support and cooperation.Plans are far advanced to work with you and the other members of the assembly to uplift the image and development of the youth and community at large.
Pending your confirmation by the assembly,we pray you advance plans to put youth issues at the front desk of your administration.As a youth yourself, you will agree that the situation of the youth in the district is not the best. DYP is focused on youth and youth development and will draw ourselves closer to you in realising this goal.(Unity and purpose for youth and community development is our goal).
To the other candidates who were in the race(hon. Diwura Albert and hon.Seidu Ayuba), we wish you better luck next time.You both have carved an enviable niche for yourself insofar as the social and political life of the district is concerned.History will forever remember and reward your efforts in the service of mankind.This is not the time to coil back.This is the time to get involved more.The community need your expertise more at this moment.And we are sure the new DCE will stretch a hand of invitation and tap into your rich experience in the larger interest.
Congratulations once more hon.Saed Muhazu.We are sure to meet up with you after the endorsement and swearing-in to sell the ideas and plans of the group for the youth and how we can all partner and work together for the youth and community.
May God bless us all.
Long live West Gonja District!
Long live the youth and people of Damongo!
Hon.Mumuni Mohammed(Lead Coordinator)
Ananpansah B Abraham (Secretary)
0241129910 /02001704844
Issued;Saaka Karim (P.R.O)
Damongo youth parliament(DYP) incorporated,is a non-profit,non sectarian and non partisan youth organisation located in Damongo in the West Gonja District of the Northern Region of Ghana.
It was first established under the name Youth And Advocacy in the year 2014 with proud support from Ghana Community Radio Network,Denmark Civil Society Organisation and Radio for Peace and Development.
The name however, was changed to Damongo Youth Parliament (DYP) in the middle 2016 to align itself with changing trends and its international reputation.
The motto of the association is,"Unity and Purpose for Youth and Community Development."
Vision Statement:Towards an Empowered Youth and Community.
Mission Statement:Motivated by our creator,Damongo Youth Parliament,incorporated is a non-profit,non-sectarian,and non-partisan youth organisation whose mission is," to promote the development and empowerment of young people in Damongo and beyond in realising their full physical,social, economic,spiritual,and intellectual potentials as individuals and responsible citizens,and as members of their local, national and international communities."So help us God!
Method for achieving mission:The method for achieving this mission is by creating a space for youth dialogue,active participation in the decentralisation process,and building a very resolute relationships between the youth and relevant stakeholders,central government,local authorities, NGO's, development partners and the general public.
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